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An object is only as beautiful as the environment in which it’s made. That’s why we travel the globe to bring the world’s best craftsmanship home to you. Each design is made by the most incredible artisans with the finest materials. All made start-to-finish with fair trade standards.


Mon - Fri: 8 am - 8 pm ET
Saturdays: 11 am - 4 pm ET

22 Crosby Street
New York City, New York

Mon - Sat: 11AM - 7PM

Sun: 12PM - 6PM

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105 Fillmore St Ste 109
Denver, CO 80206

Mon-Sat: 10AM - 6PM

Sun: 12PM - 5PM

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10° 47' 02'' N 00° 51' 14'' W
Artisans of Bolgatana
Employs 20 Artisans
"I want to help these young men find their place in life. I want them to develop a trade, something that gives them purpose."
- Boubacar, Head of Workshop

In the remote Bolgatanga region of Ghana lives a group of weavers, men and women of all ages, who are working to preserve the ancestral craft of basket weaving they learned from the generations who have gone before them. Working with the elephant grass that’s native to their area, the Artisans of Bolgatanga not only keep this weaving tradition alive – they’re dependent on it for their livelihoods.

Using only their hands, the artisans carefully split the elephant grass strands in two; twisting it together to make a stronger “straw” for weaving. Their designs are intricate yet unfussy, modern yet spanning styles and tastes. Perhaps it’s the attention to detail and history that you can see in the weave of their baskets – the beauty that is evident when looking at their designs up close.

One of our favorite things about this group is their commitment to improving their weaving skills. Each master artisan works to constantly improve, and is proud to turn their baskets into a viable source of income. A livelihood and an artistry they can pass on to their children. Something we find refreshing and of utmost importance in today’s fast-paced world.