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An object is only as beautiful as the environment in which it’s made. That’s why we travel the globe to bring the world’s best craftsmanship home to you. Each design is made by the most incredible artisans with the finest materials. All made start-to-finish with fair trade standards.


Mon - Fri: 8 am - 8 pm ET
Saturdays: 11 am - 4 pm ET

22 Crosby Street
New York City, New York

Mon - Sat: 11AM - 7PM

Sun: 12PM - 6PM

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105 Fillmore St Ste 109
Denver, CO 80206

Mon-Sat: 10AM - 6PM

Sun: 12PM - 5PM

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Studio Tour: Artistry & Motherhood

Take a step inside the reimagined artist's retreat of our own graphic designer, Alex Csorba.

Q: Tell us about yourself.

My name is Alex Csorba and I’m an artist based in Dallas, Texas. My husband and I have a 9-month old baby, a big black lab, and we spend a lot of time working on restoring our 100-year old home. I’ve been making art since I was a little kid and I have recently been painting large-scale abstract landscapes.

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Q: What’s been the best thing about becoming a mom?

I smiled when I read this question! I believe that one of the best things about having a kid is that he requires me to look outside of myself. I experienced this a bit when I first got married, and began to share a life with my husband — but when we brought our son into the world, we began to die to ourselves in such a larger way.

It’s not always fun, or easy, but the daily lesson of sacrificing my time or preferences for our kiddo is such a life giving thing. It is so overwhelmingly cool to watch him learn and grow in this world.

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Q: Where do you live and what makes it home?

I live here in Dallas. My husband and I bought an old house and have found a great community down in Oak Cliff. This part of Dallas is still fairly new to us, but we’re making it feel like home more and more everyday by connecting with folks in the community and restoring our 100-year-old home to its original beauty.

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Q: What is the inspiration behind your art?

Nature is at the core of what inspires me, so most of my paintings depict natural landscapes and use colors found in nature. Simply put, art gives me the creative freedom to showcase the way that I perceive the natural world. Part of the beauty of this is that the materials I use are all natural elements (i.e. raw canvas, pigments in my oil paint, or natural pastels).

I get to use these natural things to create something that represents the land from which they came. To me, that’s an essential part of what I do, so it carries through everything I create.

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Q: How do you stay inspired as a mom and as an artist?

I’ve always been one to be inspired organically, so I always have my antennas up to a certain degree. I get inspired by a new place, creative writing, great design and music that speaks to me. Those things are all around us — and I make it a point to take note.

Also, it’s important to us to see the world and that plays a big part in growing my inspiration library. I spend a lot of time in the mountains and rivers of Colorado, the West Texas desert, but last year, I got to spend some time in the beautiful country of Israel — which inspired my most recent series.

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Follow along with Alex on Instagram at @alexcsorbastudio